
Google Diversity

Let's Change This

Let's Change This

The Brief: Design a campaign that brings attention to the issue of diversity at Google.

 While researching, I found an article describing real-life accounts of women in tech. 

While researching, I found an article describing real-life accounts of women in tech. 

 I used their quotes verbatim, pairing simple typography with a minimal aesthetic.

I used their quotes verbatim, pairing simple typography with a minimal aesthetic.

Women Of Color

Women Of Color

Next, I designed a campaign highlighting the experiences of women of color.

 Relying on first person accounts of women in the field, each told their own story.

Relying on first person accounts of women in the field, each told their own story.

 A simple headline treatment tied the concept together.

A simple headline treatment tied the concept together.

 Despite recent gains, just 31% of Google's employees are women. 

Despite recent gains, just 31% of Google's employees are women. 
